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The Skunk Corner
Aug 12, 20205 min read
Building a Wildlife-Proof Chicken Coop
With people spending more time at home during COVID-19, 2020 has become a record year for backyard chicken raising. If you are planning...

The Skunk Corner
Oct 6, 20193 min read
To Live Trap or Not to Live Trap?
Live traps, also known as catch-and-release or Havahart traps, may seem like a good fix to a human-wildlife conflict at first glance. ...

The Skunk Corner
Jul 31, 20184 min read
Which Animal Is Eating Fruit Off Your Trees?
It is often difficult to harvest fruit from a tree at the right time without letting animals get to it first. Birds, raccoons, opossums,...

The Skunk Corner
Feb 5, 20182 min read
Raccoon-Proof Your Trash
Don't let your trashcan end up like the one above, which is what happens when raccoons knock it over in search of food. Not only is this...

The Skunk Corner
Oct 8, 20172 min read
5 Ways to Minimize Cat/Wildlife Conflicts
Housecats and wildlife don't usually mix well. Many cats, even the most gentle and calm ones, follow their predatory instincts when they...

The Skunk Corner
Oct 1, 20172 min read
When One Gopher is One Too Many
In general, lethal control for wildlife should be avoided when there are other solutions available. With rats, for example, minimizing...

The Skunk Corner
Sep 3, 20174 min read
10 Reasons Not to Use Rat Poison
When faced with a rat or mouse problem that needs to be dealt with, many people resort to poisoning the rodents. This solution appeals...

The Skunk Corner
Aug 27, 20172 min read
Bird Stuck In a Room? Here's What to Do
Sometimes, wild birds fly into buildings, such as houses, offices, or classrooms, and can't find their way out. The most important...
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